Online URL Encoder / Decoder

Strategic Search Engine Mastery

URL Encoder / Decoder

Enter the text that you wish to encode or decode:

About URL Encoder / Decoder

More Information About the URL Encoder / Decoder Tool

Lorem Ipsum has been the standard placeholder text in the typesetting and printing industries for over 500 years. Originating in the 1500s, an unknown printer rearranged a set of type to create a specimen book, which later became the foundation for this now widely recognized text. The longevity of Lorem Ipsum has not only been preserved through the centuries but also adapted to the digital age, becoming a staple in the world of electronic publishing. From its use in Letraset sheets in the 1960s to its presence in modern desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker, it remains unchanged, serving as a reliable, neutral filler text for various creative projects.